Viikko-ohjelma 29.5.-4.6.-23
Tästä viikosta alkaa kesäaikataulu, jolloin treenit arkisin ma-pe ja lepo la & su.
Emom 30
- medball clean
- hang from pull up bar
- Jump rope (Su, Du, Crossovers)
- High plank
- Rest: walk
A) Strict HSPU
- 5 x 5 AHAP
B) amrap 15 with partner
- 15 thrusters @35/25kg
- 10 pull up
- 5 burpee over bar
A) Back squat
- 5 x 10 AHAP
B) 3 sets (10min)
- 5/leg Bulgarian split squat AHAP
- Rest 30 sec
- 15 DB/KB Romanian deadlift AHAP
- Rest 90 sec
A) 3 x Amrap 3 – rest 1 min
- 7 bx jump overs
- 7 DB/KB push press @2x 15/10kg or 2x 16/12kg
REST 2 min
B) 3 x Amrap 3 – rest 1 min
- 3 strict narrow grip C2B
- 10 air squat
REST 2 min
C) Amrap 5 for quality
- 5 T2B
- 10/ side Side plank hip raise
A) Power clean
- 10 min to find 2 reps tng
B) Amrap 22 with partner
- 10 deadlift @60%
- 10 C2B
- 10 burpee over bar
Both works at the same time, other one does amrap while other one runs 400m. When 400m is done, partners switch and work continues where the other one left off.