
Viikko-ohjelma 5.-11.6.-23


1. Alternate between A and B, total of 6 x 3 min Amraps, rest 1 min in between

A) Amrap 3

  • 5/arm Single arm Devil’s press @22,5/15kg
  • 5 DB bx step overs


B) Amrap 3

  • 7 t2b
  • 20 mountain climbers


REST 2 min between 1. and 2.

2. Amrap 5 For quality

  • 5 strict c2b
  • 15 reverse fly @DB’s or Plates



Emom 40

  1. row cal
  2. high bxj
  3. DU practice
  4. KB front rack carry @ 2x 24/16kg
  5. rest = walk



A) Strict hspu

  • 5-4-4-3-3-2-2 AHAP

B) emom 12

Odd: 7 kipping Hspu

Even: 7 RDL



A) Front squat

  • 5 x 12 AHAP

B) Amrap 10 with partner (igyg)

  • 10m KB front rack walking lunge @2x 16/12kg
  • 10 t2b



A) Hang squat snatch

  • 5 x 2 AHAP

B) Amrap 25 with partner

  • 10 hang power snatch @35/25kg
  • 10/7 cal row


  1. This is a IGYG-workout, partners switch after 1 round, BUT while the other one is working on hps and row, the other one MUST hang from a pull up bar. If one comes down from the bar, then the work also stops.
  2. When both have done 1 round, then run 400m together.