
To 1.7

3 batteries, 12 minutes per battery, rest and clean 2-3min between

a) Battery, 12min AMRAP

  1. 500/400m row @easy-moderate pace
  2. 8-12 dips
  3. 8-12 T2B (scaling: K290)

b) Battery, 12x EMOM

  1. 10-15m lunge walk (scaling up: add weights)
  2. 3-6 Straight arm slam balls
  3. 10-20 Back extensions
  4. 12-20 HS shoulder taps (plank/legs on box/on wall)

c) Battery, 12x EMOM

  1. 3-5 Wall climbs
  2. 10-15 hang power clean @2xDB/KB
  3. 10-15 STOH @2xDB/KB
  4. 20-50 lateral jumps over line / DU

Focus on quality, easy pace