
Viikko-ohjelma 28.8.-3.9.-23


Emom 40

  1. choose your ergo
  2. WB
  3. walking lunge
  4. Du
  5. rest

Work @50-60% effort



Amrap 30 with parner (Work 3 min – Rest 3 min – YGIG)

  • 10 hang clean+jerk @45/30kg
  • 10 bar over burpee
  • 10 pull up

The other one continues where the other left off.



4 x TABATA with 2 min rest in between movements

  1. Am KBS @24/16kg
  2. bxj
  3. row cal
  4. abmat situp



Emom 40 (30s/30s)

  1. HS hold
  2. seated mb twist
  3. plank hold
  4. ring row top hold
  5. t2b



Amrap 30 with partner

  • 20 hang power snatch
  • 400m run
  • 20 hang squat snatch
  • 400m run
  • 20 squat snatch
  • 400m run
  • 20 power snatch
  • 400m run

Rx weight is 50/35 kg.

Run together & divide snatch reps as you like YGIG.