
Viikko-ohjelma 3.-9.6.-24


a) Every 2:00 x 4 sets/arm:

1 DB power clean

1 DB power snatch

1 DB thruster

1 DB overhead squat

– Complete the complex on each arm once every 2:00.

b) 9-15-21-27 reps for time:
DB thrusters (10/12.5 kg)
– Perform 10 shuttle runs (1 run = 7,5 m down, 7,5 m back) at the start of each round.


a) ”Grace”

For time:
30 clean and jerks (43/61 kg)

b) On a 10:00 clock:

Build to a heavy power clean and push jerk



a) EMOM 8:

00:20 crossover practice

b) EMOM 12:

Min. 1 | 6 strict pull-ups + 12 push-ups + 18 air squats

Min. 2 | Max-rep double-unders

– Score is total reps.



a) 5 sets for load:

5 front squats

b) On a 3:00 clock for reps:

1:00 weighted sit-ups 

1:00 V-ups

1:00 sit-ups

– No rest between movements.

– Use an object held at the shoulders for the weighted sit-ups.



a) EMOM 8:

:10-:20 handstand hold

b) AMRAP 7:

Max bar muscle-ups/ jumping bmu / jumping pull ups

– Perform 6 burpee box jumps (51/61 cm) at the start of each minute including the start of the workout.