
Viikko-ohjelma 22.-28.7.-24


5 rounds for time:
400-m run
5 squat cleans (65/93 kg)



a) 5 sets:

On a 1:30 clock:

30 plate hops (4 in)

15 KB goblet squats (24/32 kg)

Max steps walking lunges in the remaining time.

– Rest 1:30 between sets.


b) 1 set:

400-m single-KB front rack walk

– Switch arms as needed.




Partner workout

3 rounds for time:

800-m run with a medicine ball (6/9 kg)

24 power snatches (47/70 kg)

– Athletes run together and switch as needed on the snatches.

– The medicine ball doesn’t touch the ground until the workout is over.

– If the medicine ball touches the ground, both partners complete 10 burpees before continuing.




a) 3 sets for total time:
800/1,000-m row (tc 4:00)
– Rest 4:00 between sets.

b) 4 sets:

:20 Russian twists (14/20 lb)

:10 rest

:20 weighted sit-ups

:10 rest

– Use a medicine ball or DB.




a) For time:


DB devils presses (10/15 kg)

– Perform 10 x 15-m shuttle runs after each set.


b) 3 sets:

20 seated alternating DB shoulder presses

– Use two DBs and alternate presses until you have completed 10 per arm.

– Add load as long as the 20 reps are unbroken.