
Viikko-ohjelma 21.-27.8.-23


A) emom 12 for quality

  1. hs shoulder taps
  2. hollow to arch to hollow
  3. alt. Pistol squats

B) amrap 15

  • 10 t2b
  • 15 wb
  • 20 alt. DB snatch 22,5/15kg



Emom 20

  1. Row cal
  2. Bar over burpee
  3. Strict chin up
  4. side plank LEFT
  5. side plank RIGHT



A) Back squat

  • 1 x 5 @75%
  • 1 x 3 @85%
  • 1 x 1 @95% amrap

B) emom 10

  • odd: 5 high box jump
  • even: 10 RDL @30-40% deadlift 1rm



A) Shoulder press

  • 1 x 5 @75%
  • 1 x 3 @85%
  • 1 x 1 @95% amrap

B) emom 12

  1. 10/7 cal row
  2. 10 burpee
  3. 30 Du’s




For time

  • 1600m run
  • 100 pull up
  • 200 push up
  • 300 air squat
  • 1600m run

TC 50 min


La-Su Lepo