Viikko-ohjelma 17.-23.2.-25
Ma 17.2.
a) oly complex E2m x 7
- Power snatch + ohs (2+2)
b) 5 rds (e3m)
- Max rep 30 sec Kipping pull up / c2b/ bmu
- Max rep 30 sec Pistol squats
- Max rep 30 sec V-ups
- 1:30 Row/bike/run in e30sec intervals -> medium-hard-easy
Ti 18.2.
a) Bench press
- 4×5
- 1x amrap
Kuorma: -30% viime viikosta
b) 4-5 rounds, rest as needed
– seated press (DB x2)
– banded kb Farmers walk 15+15m
– deficit push up / hspu
– flutter kicks
– box dips (+weight)
Reps: 8-12 total or per side, add weights as you go! Last rounds should be heavy!!!
Ke 19.2.
a) Back squat
- 2×5
- 2×4
- 1x amrap
Kuorma: -30% viime viikosta
b) EMOM10 ( alternating minutes with partner)
Partner A:
- 5x Clean + jerk @ ”Grace” weights 61/43kg
- Rem time: bar facing burpee
Partner B:
- rest
To 20.2.
Pe 21.1.
a) S pull up/c2b
- 5×4 (with same progression you did 6×3)
b) Deadlift
10-8-6-4-4+ (amrap)
c) Extended Tabata
12x 20/10 (alt. 1+2)
- wb
- kb sdhp
La 22.2.
”Open 12.3”
- 15 bxj
- 12 Push press (rx 34/52 kg, bb from ground)
- 9 t2b
Su 23.2.