Viikko-ohjelma 10.-16.6.-24
a) 2 rounds for time:
30.5-m DB/KB walking lunges (24/32 kg)
400-m run
10 wall walks
400/500-m row
– Use two DB/KBs held in a farmers carry.
b) For completion:
1:30 side plank hold, left
1:30 side plank hold, right
– Complete all of one side before switching to the other.
AMRAP 30 with a partner:
100-calorie row
100 KB snatches (24/32 kg)
100 toes-to-bars
– Split work as needed with one person working at a time
For time:
2001-m run or row
11 shoulder presses (38/52 kg)
11 overhead squats
11 sumo deadlift high pulls
11 push presses
11 front squats
11 squat cleans
11 push jerks
11 back squats
11 deadlifts
2001-m run or row
– If athletes begin the WOD with a row, they finish with a run and vice versa.
12 ring dips
12 sumo deadlift high pulls (34/52 kg)
a) 6 sets for load:
3 deadlifts
– Use the same load across all sets.
b) 3 sets:
10 banded deadlifts
10 band pull-aparts