Ke 16.3.2016
Dynamic WU+ band glute activation circuit.
6min AMRAP of
6 KB Clean+ FS+ Push Press- complex and 3 Pull Ups/ MU/ RR.
6min EMOM of
8 Deadlift @80/60 max 40%1RM+ 8 Push Ups.
6 min EMOM of
20 DU’s ( 40 singles)+ 2 HSPU
Dynamic WU+ band glute activation circuit.
6min AMRAP of
6 KB Clean+ FS+ Push Press- complex and 3 Pull Ups/ MU/ RR.
6min EMOM of
8 Deadlift @80/60 max 40%1RM+ 8 Push Ups.
6 min EMOM of
20 DU’s ( 40 singles)+ 2 HSPU