Jouluviikon erikoismenyy 23.-29.12.-24
Jouluviikon spessujumpat CF hero&benchmark -tyyliin!
Valitse yksi tai useampi, mutta jos löydät itsesi kuudesti tällä viikolla salilla, saattaa pukki tuoda risuja🎅🏼😁 Skaalaus ja jumppien kuormituksien keventäminen on siis jokaisen omalla vastulla omiin käyntikertoihin suhteutettuna🫶🏻
Maanantai, perjantai ja lauantai on normisti ohjatut wodit. Ti-to salin ovet ovat siis suljettu ja kulku ainoastaan omilla avaimilla tai sopimalla kimppatreenit porukalla!
CF Imatran valkkutiimi
”12 days of christmas”
For Time, adding one movement per round:
1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull
2 Thrusters
3 Push Presses
4 Power Cleans
5 Power Snatches
6 Kettlebell Swings
7 Pull-Ups
8 Knees-to-Elbows
9 Box Jumps
10 Double-Unders
11 Burpees
12 Overhead Walking Lunges
Rx: 35/25 kg + 20/10 kg plate in lunges
Start with 1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (SDLHP). Then do 2 Thrusters and 1 SDLHP. Then 3 Push
Presses, 2 Thrusters, and 1 SDLHP. Continue this way until the final round of 12 Overhead
Walking Lunges, 11 Burpees, and each movement descending in repetitions all the way down to 1 SDLHP — 364 total repetitions.
Tiistai (Jouluaatto, open gym)
”East Atlanta Santa”
6 Rounds for Time:
25 American KB Swings
12 KB Goblet Squats
250 meter Row
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Rx: 24/16 kg
The REST is mandatory. Your focus should be on going ALL OUT during the round, and then
honoring the full minute of rest.
Score is the amount of time it takes to complete all 6 rounds (including the minute of rest
between rounds).
Keskiviikko (Joulupäivä, open gym)
Tee jompikumpi jumppa tai molemmat 🎅🏼
”Away in a manger”
6 Rounds for Time
12 Single-Arm DB Cleans (30/22,5 kg)
12 GHD Sit-Ups
”Deck the halls”
AMRAP in 8 minutes
20 Double-Unders
10 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
5 Strict Pull-Ups
Torstai (Tapaninpäivä, open gym)
”Swoly night” with partner (YGIG, reps are per person)
For Time
50 Burpees
40 Goblet Squats (22,5/15 kg)
30 Push-Ups
20 Plate Ground-to-Overhead (20/10 kg))
10 Wall Walks
20 Plate Ground-to-Overhead
30 Push-Ups
40 Goblet Squats
50 Burpees
”Painstorm XII”
For Time
400 meter Run / 500m row / bike
50 Back Squats
50 Front Squats
50 Overhead Squats
400 meter Run / 500m row / bike
50 Shoulder Presses
50 Push Presses
50 Push Jerks
400 meter Run / 500m row / bike
50 Hang Power Cleans
50 Hang Power Snatches
400 meter Run / 500m row / bike
Perform all barbell movements with an olympic bar only (20/15 kg).
”Mark & Dennis”
8 Rounds for Time (with a Partner)
4 Box Jumps (each) (34/28 in, switch every rep)
18 Deadlifts (111/77 kg) / Hang Hold*
7 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees
36 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb, switch every 6 reps)
* While one athlete performs the Deadlift, the other hangs from the Pull-Up Bar. Switch as