Viikko-ohjelma 3.-9.3.-25
Ma 3.3.
a) Back squat
- 2×5
- 1×6
- 1×7
- 1x amrap
b) Emom12 (20w/40r)
- Hps
- Du
- Kipping pull-up/c2b
Ti 4.3.
a) Bench press
- 3×6
- 1×6
- 1x amrap
b) 4-5 rounds, rest as needed
- 5-8 power jerks
- 2x 15m pinch grip Farmers walk @2x 10kg plate
- 8-12 deficit push up / hspu
- 8-12 strict hanging leg raises
- 8-12 box dips (+weight)
Note: add weights as you go! Last rounds should be heavy!!!
Ke 5.3.
a) Oly 15:00
- 3 Squat clean
b) Parijumppa emom 10 (YGIG)
Partner A:
- 10 Deadlift @60/85kg
- Max rep Wb
Partner B:
- rest
To 6.3.
Pe 7.3.
-bx jefferson curl+squat
-wall deadbug
-cossack squats + int rotation
2. AMRAP10
-bx pigeon+rotation
-L-sit hold into leg lifts
-kneeling backbend+rotation
3. AMRAP10
-hs hold practice
-shrimp squats
-banded I-Y-T-Angel
La 8.3.
Open 25.2
katso uusin laji täältä:
Su 9.3.