Viikko-ohjelma 11.-17.7.
”Lumberjack 20”
For time:
20 deadlifts (84/125 kg)
400-m run
20 KB swings (24/32 kg)
400-m run
20 overhead squats (34/52 kg)
400-m run
20 burpees
400-m run
20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
400-m run
20 box jumps (51/61 cm)
400-m run
20 DB squat cleans (12.5/20 kg)
400-m run
a) EMOM 8:
3 heavy push presses
5 rounds for time:
25 push presses (25/34 kg)
50 double-unders
a) 3 rounds for reps:
1:30 air squats
1:30 sit-ups
1:30 calorie row
1:30 air squats
1:30 sit-ups
1:30 calorie row
b) Post-workout:
2:00 in a handstand
– Stomach facing the wall.
2:00 in a handstand
– Stomach facing the wall.
5 sets for load:
5 weighted strict pull-ups
5 weighted strict ring dips
b) Post-workout:
3 sets:
1:00 max calorie bike/row/ski
– Rest 1:00 between sets
3 sets:
1:00 max calorie bike/row/ski
– Rest 1:00 between sets
a) For time:
30 toes-to-bars
30-meter KB front rack lunge (24/32 kg)
20 toes-to-bars
20-meter KB front rack lunge
10 toes-to-bars
10-meter KB front rack lunge
– Use two KBs for the front-rack lunges
30 toes-to-bars
30-meter KB front rack lunge (24/32 kg)
20 toes-to-bars
20-meter KB front rack lunge
10 toes-to-bars
10-meter KB front rack lunge
– Use two KBs for the front-rack lunges
b) Post-workout:
8 sets:
:20 double-unders
– Rest :10
8 sets:
:20 double-unders
– Rest :10
La-Su: Omatoimi open gym