Pe 4.9.
- core control
a) Räjähtävyys
- e3m x 3 rds : 3x plyometric jumps (drop down from platform and jump to another) Rest for remaining time!
- e3m x 3 rds : 3x heavy thruster, Rest for remaining time
b) e3m Deadlift
- 1x 1-3 @very heavy weight 95% 1rm
- 2x 3-6 @very heavy weight 80-90%
- leave 1-2 reps tank
5 rounds
- 400m run (cooper goal pace)
- rest for 2 min
LA & SU 5.-6.9.
🏋🏻♂️Leena Vartiaisen painonnostoleiri molempina päivinä:
- klo 10-12 ja 13-15
- tuona aikana ei Open gym käytössä!!