
Viikko-ohjelma 17.-20.6.-24


Every 2:00 for 6 rounds:

2 rope climbs (4.6 m)

Max wall-ball shots in remaining time (6/9 kg)(2.7/3 m)

– Rest 1:00 between rounds; so, 2:00 of work + 1:00 rest each round.


a) 3 rounds for time:
40 Russian KB swings (16/24 kg)
20 box jump-overs (51/61 cm)

b) Post workout: 


200-m single-arm DB overhead carry

– Switch arms as needed.



For time and reps:

EMOM 16:

Min. 1 | Max handstand hold

Min. 2 | DB shoulder press (12.5/15 kg)

Min. 3 | Max hang from a pull-up bar

Min. 4 | Strict pull-ups

– Score is total seconds held + total reps completed.

– Perform just one attempt on the holds each minute.



a) Every :30 for 5:00:

3 behind the neck snatch grip push presses

b) EMOM 10:
1 power snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat
– Build in load across the 10:00.



Vietämme Juhannusta, omatoimitreenille omalla avaimella☀️🌙