Viikko-ohjelma 6.-12.6.
a) For load
5 x 5 Push press
b) 5 rounds For time
- 10 strict hspu
- 20 GHD sit-ups
a) For load
5 x 3 Back squat
b) skill work:
5 sets
- 00:45 wall sit
- 10 single arm ring row/arm
a) Pre workout:
On a 6:00 clock
2:00 max Double unders
4:00 max distance handstand walk
b) 5 rounds for time with partner:
- 50 Double unders (each)
- 15 m single arm overhead walking lunge (22,5/15)
a) pre workout
5 sets each, for time
- 150/125m row, run, ski or bike (2x distance)
- rest 1:00 between efforts
b) For load
Weighted or strict pull up
- 7 x 1 or 7 x 5
Weighted or strict dips
- 7 x 1 or 7 x 5
a) pre workout
- build up to a heavy 1-rep power clean with your partner
b) ”Laura”
amrap 21
- 30/21 cal row
- 20 burpees over rower
- 10 power cleans (70/47 kg)
-alternate work and rest with a partner