
To 22.10.


  • scap ctrl

a) 10 x EMOM

1. 3-10 tempo 20X1 pull-ups (scaling: C2B/negative PU)
2. 10 STOH (42,5/30kg or 50% 1RM push press, weight with you can go unbroken)
you can choose bar or db’s or kb’s

b) 3-4 rounds, rest as needed (20min) Skills ja gymnastics accessorys:

  • 5-30 DU’s (choose rep amount that you should be able to get every round)
  • 5-8 Straight hand slam balls
  • 5-8 deficit HS press with legs on box
  •  5+5+5: 3 ”pos.” ring rows (false grip)
    (5 scapular, 5 10cm from chest to as back as you can pull, 5 ring rows)