Pe 30.10.
Pre workout:
- scap & core ctrl
a) e75sec x 6
- 3 muscle clean
- Focus on pull timing
b) e75 sec x 6
- 2 power clean + 2 power jerk
c) Partner wod: Yyteri sandstorm laji 2a
For time:
Buy in: 750/600m row (together)
3 rounds of
- 10 synchro box jumps (60/50 cm)
- 20 t2b (you go, I go)
- 30 GTOH (you go, I go) @50/35kg
TC 13 min
Laji 2b, tc 7min:
- find 1rm C+J (partner 1) and Snatch (patner 2)
Cooldown 10-20 min very easy aerobic exercise: walk, bike, etc…