Pe 11.3.2016
1x 500m Row
3 rounds of
10 KB Front Squat
10 Tiptoe Snatch
a) BS
60% x5, 65% x5, 70% x5, 75% x5, 80% x5
b) Power Snatch
50% x5, 60% x5, 65% x5, 70% x5, 65% x5
c) EMOM7
5 Push Press @65/40
11 KBS @24/16
1x 500m Row
3 rounds of
10 KB Front Squat
10 Tiptoe Snatch
a) BS
60% x5, 65% x5, 70% x5, 75% x5, 80% x5
b) Power Snatch
50% x5, 60% x5, 65% x5, 70% x5, 65% x5
c) EMOM7
5 Push Press @65/40
11 KBS @24/16