Ma 1.6.
a) e1,5m Deadlift
- 2x 10-15 warm up sets @easy weight (30-50% 1rm)
- 1x 10-15 @ mod weight (60%)
- 2x 15-20 @ easy weight (50%)
b)e45sec Partner push ups (you go, I go e1,5m/athlete)
- weighted, strict, partner assisted
- 1x 15
- 2x 15-30
c) amrap 7
- 10 wb shots
- 5 burpees over kb
- 5 reverse wb burpee
d) Extra accessory
Core work 2-4 rds, 40s on/ 20s off
- Crunches with plate
- Russian twist with plate
- Back extensions